As anybody would know, a dog that has not been sterilized will at some point bear pups, and as anybody who is conscious enough would know, particular care needs to be administered at their birth. Any newborn on this earth is weak, new and needs adequate care and attention to ensure they successfully grow up and live out their days on this planet. Unfortunately, where puppies for sale in Dubai are concerned, irresponsible breeders who are only concerned about the money they bring in do not pay as much attention to their well-being. Hence, if you are buying a dog, you will want to look into how they rear their newborns, and if you are ever in charge of them here is what you need to know.


Think about it this way; when preparing for a baby, we run about gathering all the necessary supplies to ensure that the transition is smooth for everyone concerned. We make sure to set aside a separate space either in the form of a nursery or a cot in the parents’ room so that the child will be safe, comforted and attended to at all times. In the same way, newborn puppies too need their own little space with their mother of course (unless she is not around). Some pups are fostered into care and therefore need extra special attention in the absence of their mother. This space needs to include a sleeping area with warm blankets, a water and food bowl with pillows.


It is no secret that all newborns on this planet are nurtured and sustained by their mother’s milk. There is nothing that can substitute as it contains potent immunity and nutrition that helps them progress into a strong and healthy adult life. However, it is not always likely that the mother is around to rear her pups, and we are faced with the responsibility of caring for them which is an extremely delicate process. They need to be fed properly, at regular intervals and cleaned properly. You should also keep tabs on them make sure they are warm, and ensure that the milk you feed is suitable. When visiting breeders where dogs for sale in Dubai are concerned, make sure you enquire about the mother.


There are experts for a reason, so make use of them at all times. Obviously do not disturb them for every little sneeze, but if you notice anything off about their behaviour it may be time to give the vet a call. Puppies are still too small to fight off illnesses so they need a helping hand much like any other newly born creature into this world. They may even face rejection by the mother (common in the animal kingdom) where your vet will help you decide what you should do.

Taking on the responsibility of even one puppy who is newborn is a big feat in itself as there is much that needs to be done; do not expect to hold a full-time job and do this alone, the animal will suffer immensely. Make sure you have the time and the means to care for it, in some cases even a whole litter. Remember they are under your care, so if you are taking them on board be prepared to commit. It is well worth it!


If you are an old-hand at raising pets, dogs in particular, you are probably well-versed in everything related to them. For those of you who love them, however have not had the opportunity of rearing one as a pet ever in your life and are planning to do so now, one of the most important things you need to learn is how to read your dog. Of course it is not too difficult to tell when they are hungry or annoyed (there are no secrets there!), but there are many other expressions and body language that you should learn to read. You could relieve them of their discomfort and misery if they are sick, and ensure visitors to your house are not attacked!


If you are wondering why it is necessary to read a dog’s body language in general, it is because as much as dogs are lovable, loyal creatures, they can just as easily turn ugly and they are difficult to control when they are in attack mode. There have been plenty of stories where children have been attacked while playing, and these attacks can be quite severe. Regardless of whether you are getting your pooch by means of dogs for sale in Dubai or adoption, remember that as a dog owner you should be able to read dog language very well.


Dogs tend to get attached to people unlike cats who are more likely to get attached to the place they are in. When you first bring a pet home, they may be curious yet at the same time anxious and worried until they feel safe in their surroundings. Dogs tend to explore, sniffing around and generally getting accustomed to the place. If however you see them looking rather out of it, then something could be wrong somewhere so it is essential to pick up on any signs they display so you can settle them in without any issues.


Needless to say, dogs have an iron grip and when they bite, they do mean it. However, most bites can be avoided if only people knew what to do beforehand. Due to a lack of knowledge many have suffered the consequences. For starters, if a dog curls back its lip to reveal its teeth and is staring at you with its head down and legs spread, it is geared to leap at any part of you at any moment. If the place you opt for when it comes to puppies for sale in Dubai is any good, they should be able to explain these basic characteristics that could come in handy. Back off when you see a dog in the explained position, especially if it is snarling or growling at you.

As mentioned above, dogs are incredibly passionate creatures who make for fantastic companions. To guard is their nature, and they do not see much beyond their instincts. If they do not trust someone they simply do not; their radar is far better at detecting bad than humans! While you should make every effort to be kind to all animals, remember to be wary of those who are designed to attack in any form. It will go a long way!


Every living being on this earth serves a purpose, and we all feed off each other’s energies. It is what keeps us living as much as nourishment does. Animals play a very big role in our lives, and of course the planet itself. We are all inter-connected in the food chain; however some are more pet material than anything else, and so it is not uncommon now to find cats, dogs, birds, fish and even tortoises in a household. Owning a pet is definitely a responsibility on its own, but there are so many benefits that can be reaped as a result, which you will notice as time goes on and you become more attached to them.


It seems as though the youth of today are far more reckless than their parents’ time; they are not as responsible and are more about ‘quick fixes’ where they must have whatever they want right now. Responsibility cannot just be taught, it must be instilled and pets are a fantastic way with which to do that. Whether they be puppies for sale in Dubai or a bird that was rescued, there is a duty to be fulfilled since this creature is now under your care.


Another quality that seems to be fast diminishing from the world, compassion is a trait that needs to be reiterated over and over again. Owning a pet is a sure way of cultivating this all-important characteristic from childhood. They learn to consider other lives, and the fact that they are all precious no matter how big or small the creature may be. Empathy goes hand-in-hand with this, and together they make for a powerful combination.


All living things must die at some point, such is the truth of life. As tough as it can be to bear it up, accepting that this is a part of the cycle does help ease the pain even by a little. Although children are way too young to understand this concept completely, you can help them channel their pain in a way that will also teach them this. Regardless of whether you got your pet combing through dogs for sale in Dubai or simply adopted at the pound, it makes no difference. A life is a life, and it should be mourned; help children to deal with this period through the grief, misery and acceptance that is a part of it.

If you happen to have a pet that requires exercise (obviously not a tortoise!) such as a dog for instance, you will find that soon not only is your dog’s health great, but you too are feeling quite fit. If you have not made the link, well now you probably realise that walking your dog twice a day on a daily basis does have a host of benefits. Some of the more active individuals go for jogs which are great first thing in the morning. Having a pet is not just about companionship and having a presence around; there is so much more to be gained.


If you are looking to introduce a new dog into your household, there are of course many different ways to do that. Yes adopting from a shelter is always a good deed, however some still prefer their breeders. However, one must take care to locate reliable breeders as there are always those out there who care more about the money than the animal itself. Not only does this mean it is a bad bargain for you, it is also incredibly cruel by the dog too. After all, they too are living beings that need the same things as we do. Compared to other pets, dogs are also some of the most loyal animals there are; unlike cats, they need considerable love and affection to be happy. Which is why the following are important points when hunting for a breeder.


The thing about breeders, is the fact that the dogs are crossed willfully in order to produce specific offspring. Hence, purebreds are often put into breeding programmes so their genes may collaborate and become stronger. However, things can go wrong here, which is when they end up with very sick or even dying pups on their hands; which means if you are looking for puppies for sale in Dubai, you could end up with one that has many health problems. In the end, you would not only spend a fair amount on their medical costs, but also suffer inevitable heartbreak when they die.


Whether you are looking to purchase a Pomeranian in Dubai or any other type of dog, instead of simply taking their validation on the surface, you need to make sure they are registered breeders on official websites. A sign of a good breeder is if you have to be put on a waiting list as this means they have good dogs. It is always better to wait for a happy and of course healthy dog instead of facing a multitude of problems along the way.


If you have no prior experience with this matter, first of all you should know that if the puppies cannot be seen with their mother, it is bad news. Puppies should always be with their mother at least until they reach eight weeks of age so they may not only receive her milk which provides immunity, but also because they learn some of their main skills from her. Some breeders choose to separate them which is emotionally damaging to them not to mention makes them physically weak. Any dogs for sale in Dubai you come across should be subject to this test.

Always keep a watchful eye for all the little details. In fact, if possible try to take someone who knows the subject with you. They will be able to guide through it, not to mention the breeder too will not try any funny business if they know you too know your information thoroughly. Make sure you put the animal’s health and wellbeing first, and if you come across anybody who is not ethical, you should report them to the authorities. Other than that, enjoy your new canine friend!


Dogs happen to be ruling over pet choices if you take numbers into account. Yes you would find a few who may have had a traumatic experience such as a dog biting them when they were little hence are not partial to them, however for the most part they are preferred. Anyone who had owned or even loves dogs will know why, as the feelings they evoke are truly remarkable. In fact, there are plenty of famous stories about dogs who have gone more than the extra mile for their masters, some even pining to death when they lose them. If you are considering dogs for sale in Dubai, you should read through this.


This phrase has not been put into place for no reason. Dogs really are man’s best friend for many reasons. Sure you have a connection with any pet you choose to take care of, however dogs are able to communicate with you in a way they cannot, as well as helping you get through a rough day. Nothing beats coming home to a dog who is ridiculously excited to welcome you home, and indeed some people prefer coming home to their pooches as opposed to people! Whether it may be a Pomeranian in Dubai you are looking for or any other breed of your choice, a dog will always hold you in the highest esteem.


Guard dogs are actually one of the best forms of security you could have. Rottweilers lead the pack as they are one master dogs which means they will not obey anyone other than their owner. Of course how you train them plays a big role in this as overly petting them and cuddling them is hardly the recipe for a guard dog. Some breeds are better suited to this than others, and if you get them when they are puppies, it is possible to train them from a tender age which makes them quite reliable.


Nothing can compare to the love of a dog. At the end of the day, both humans and dogs share a major similarity, in that they both need love and affection. Of course it is possible to live alone, however you will find that if you share your company with a dog, you both will benefit immensely. Not only will it improve your health both physically and mentally, you also care for something else other than yourself. One of the greatest rewards of taking care of a dog is how much they actually end up giving you more than what you offer them.

If you prefer to browse through puppies for sale in Dubai, make sure you examine all options. If you find one that needs help more than one who is in a pet shop window, do make an effort to do so. Remember however to budget for the additional expense. They too are prone to illnesses so you will have to take them to the vet, whilst also ensuring they are well fed. Remember purebreds will cost more than strays as the latter are much hardier in healthy and immunity from hardships. The decision is upto you!


It is hard to imagine that as a species we can be so cruel not only to each other, but also to other helpless living beings. Animals are often victims of terrible cruelty and neglect thanks to us, and sometimes this can be so bad that it affects their personality and characteristics much like abuse and neglect affects humans. The harsher the treatment the worse the effects, and if these animals are lucky enough they will be rescued and rehabilitated. However, different animals require different time periods to recover and some need extra care and attention. Dogs are a species that are often subjected to such situations as they are the most commonly adopted pet. If you have recently adopted such a dog (they do not usually have such dogs for sale in Dubai), you will find this guideline useful.


If you make a commitment to get a dog from such a background, you should always remember to be patient with them. Just like people, they too need time and care to recover from their ordeal. Being harsh and impatient is only going to make the situation so much worse. You need experts in on the deal as there are specific ways of dealing with such instances. Whether it be through food or love, they need your helping hand.


A lot of what you do will depend on how well your observation skills are. Without identifying the problem first, it is not possible to find a solution. You have to observe the dog and ensure they display signs of improvement before you embark on the next step. Professionals can pick up immediately when they sense something off, however if you are doing it independently you will need some help. It is a very different scenario to when you look for puppies for sale in Dubai although such animals too must be taken good care of.


Even though at first it may seem as though the animal is improving, sometimes there could be sudden triggers of former behavioural patterns. Perhaps something helps them remember how bad their situation was which automatically builds a fear in them. Which is why, as mentioned above patience is key to everything. You will hardly find animal handlers who are short-tempered and cruel by nature in such jobs. By identifying their trigger points, you can eventually gain their trust by avoiding facing them with it.

There is utmost respect for people who sacrifice their lives for such jobs. They do not really pay very much, and many shelters are often funded through donations. The tasks at hand are demanding, tiring and sometimes too hard to handle. If you are ever in a position to do your bit, do lend a helping hand either by volunteering or extending a small fund. These organisations always need whatever help they can get, so whatever you can do is quite welcome. Additionally, if you are interested in getting into the field, perhaps you could look at how you can get your foot in through the door. It is truly a rewarding experience.


Dogs are man’s best friend, and this adage is centuries old. Since their domestication thousands of years ago, there is no other animal that has come anywhere as close to being faithful as dogs are today. Regardless of size, type, age or gender, they are loyal, loving and caring creatures who steadfastly stand by their masters and families till the end. In fact, there have been some exceptional cases around the world where heartbroken dogs live out the rest of their lives on the graves of their masters due to grief. Pets in general tend to enliven and uplift our mood and temperament and are a great stress relief. When it comes to buying a puppy, one of the things you should look into is the type of breed suited to you.


Broad categorisations for dogs include purebred and stray. Purebreds include breeds you might be familiar with such as Cocker Spaniels, Boxers, Bulldogs, Rottweilers and so on. These dogs are born and raised under a breeder and usually come with a rather hefty price tag as well. Good breeders are concerned about the well-being of the dogs under their care and not just making an extra dollar. Proper environmental conditions as well as medical attention when required are some of the responsibilities they take care of. Strays are dogs who do not have a pedigree as such and are free roamers although certain countries do not allow this for safety purposes. If you are on the lookout for dogs for sale in Dubai, decide on which of these types you would prefer first.


Although it may not seem all that necessary, putting in considerable thought into the breed of your future dog is actually one of the most crucial things in the process especially if you have children in the family. Different types of dogs are of different sizes, temperament and behavioural patterns. Some are easier to train than others, and some more docile. Either way, you will need to think about your home space, how they would get along with the family and whether you can afford to maintain them. Remember this is more than just a pet, you are introducing a new member into the family.


hen it comes to purebreds, they do bring in a significant portion of money however they are less sturdy than strays. The latter is groomed by nature to be tough, scrounge for food and fight their way out of life which makes them quite hardy dogs who do not need as much medical attention. Purebreds on the other hand will need regular checkups, appointments at the vet, and tend to catch diseases and viruses quite easily. Some people for ethical reasons also choose to adopt strays instead of opting for puppies for sale in Dubai. Again, this is entirely a matter of personal choice.

If you are contemplating a breeder, remember to take a list of questions with you and a sharp eye. Some breeders are too often caught up with the greed of money and breed these animals in some of the worst possible conditions although not visible to the public. Request a look around the premises, and look for any signs of suspicious behaviour. Never buy dogs from a less than ideal surrounding.



So you finally made your selection, and brought home the newest member of your family after visiting plenty of stores and breeders and browsing through countless literature. Now it is time to settle into your new life as not only you, but also your new puppy needs to adjust and ease into its new environment. If you had conducted an adequate amount of research, you will know that your puppy must be over the seven week mark, as puppies removed from their mothers and sibling before they reach this age tend to have many problems. Within those first 7 weeks, they pick up canine traits crucial to survival, and those that do not get this chance display these behavioural issues later on it life, and can be hard to control. If you have followed this rule, you have nothing to fret about. Here are a few things to remember for your new life!


What you must understand is that this transition is much more for your puppy to bear than for you. Young, inquisitive, and scared, they are not sure who their new owners are or what their lives are going to be like. It is important that you make them feel at ease to the best of your ability, and this begins from the journey home. Firstly, ensure your new pup is not full as they can get carsick especially the first time around. Secondly, make sure you bring with you anything the breeder may have given for you to take such as medication, water or any special supplements. Usually, whether they are puppies for sale in Dubai or anywhere else, these precautions are mandatory.


Once you have made it home, there are going to be several different things going on as your new friend will want to relieve himself first of all, explore, nap as well as play all at the same time. However, instead of rushing off to feed him immediately or confining him indoors, let him explore the outdoors a bit under your supervision. Taking him inside for a bit will also help him get oriented with his settings although a free reign of the house is not yet advised. Feed him after a while as you should allow his stomach to settle from both the journey and excitement.


If you have considerable experience with dogs, this is something you can attend to yourself as you can also save yourself some cash. However, if you are not very proficient in this area it is best advised you enlist professional help. Your pup needs to be trained early on so it will not end up defecating all over your house and destroying your furniture. Implementing a regular schedule will help it get used to its routine. Make sure you reward it for good behaviour while you appropriately punish them for bad traits. Usually when looking for dogs for sale in Dubai, they also give you contacts for dog trainers which you can contact as they are reliable and recommended.



Just as much as you give that new car considerable thought before purchasing it or that smartphone or tablet, in much the way you need to invest plenty of time and effort when hunting out your new dog. If you have any thoughts of abandoning it down the line because it does not fit in, you might as well not opt for a pet at all. It is crucial that you see them as a part of your family and not merely a pet; as such, they deserve to be treated with the same respect, care and devotion. Dogs in particular have been noted to be emotional animals more so than any other. If you are browsing through dogs for sale in Dubai, here are a few things to help you along the way.


Perhaps one of the toughest things to control when buying a puppy or a dog is one’s sensibility. This tends to fly out the window especially if there are children involved in the equation. People get carried away in the pet shop or at the breeder’s if puppies are involved in particular. However, as difficult as it can be trying to choose one, you will need to pull yourself together and think sensibly. You are making a lifelong commitment so try not to be easily swayed. Focus on the breed, size and of course personality.


It goes without saying that you should conduct a significant amount of research when considering puppies for sale in Dubai, however it does not stop there. When browsing through either articles online or books, it can be easy to get swept away by the images and long for that beautiful German Shepherd with its glistening coat; yet how realistic it this for you? First off do you have the time to wash, dry and brush its coat out consistently? What if it contracts fleas? Does anyone in your family suffer from wheezing or asthma? These are some very serious questions you need to ask yourself before locking in the final decision.


Of course when it comes to making a purchase, your budget is something you need to consider. However, it should also be mentioned that being frugal in a decision that involves buying a dog is not very wise. If you are tight on cash, it is best you save up a bit more and then go ahead with it. Do not try to fit the budget into your dog. Always put its other traits first, and then find out whether the dog that is most suited to you is within your financial capabilities.

Most importantly, remember that the cost of the dog is not the only expenditure you will be incurring. It is the start of a whole new chapter in your life, and the comfort of your dog is just as important as the comfort of the rest of your family. You will have to consider vaccinations, collars, food, training and so on, all of which you need to budget for. You should also be well-versed in how to take care of your dog from its diet to exercise and grooming to ensure it lives a long, healthy and happy life.


Importance of Vaccinating Dogs  


Any responsible dog owner would know that they need to get their pet dog vaccinated at the right time. Although most people think that every vaccination needs to be administered annually, now some feel that this is quite unnecessary and that it’s enough to give certain vaccines once every three years. Who is right and who is wrong?

However, no one disputes the fact that vaccinations have to be administered regularly to dogs as well as cats for them to remain healthy, happy and safe. Although some worry that vaccines might cause allergies and other complications and side effects in their pets, which could sometimes even be fatal, such incidents have been very rare and the benefits of having pets vaccinated far outweigh the adverse reactions they may cause.

Of course, any medical procedure involves a certain degree of risk, but not vaccinating the dog may pose bigger dangers. A thorough discussion with the veterinarian would help allay all fears one may entertain in this regard. The best course of action is to keep the dog under close observation to ensure that it doesn’t suffer from any reactions to the vaccines. In the rare event, it does so, the vet would need to be consulted immediately.

Vaccinations given to a dog generally come under two categories – core vaccines which are considered essential, such as those given for rabies, adenovirus, parvovirus and distemper which are all diseases that could be easily transferred from animal to animal and that could also prove to be fatal; and non-core viruses which are given for diseases which are dependent on the dog being exposed to a particular environment and lifestyle. The latter category includes diseases such as Lyme disease, kennel cough and leptospirosis and are the ones which you and your vet should decide are actually necessary for your pet.

Some of these could have serious consequences on the health and well-being of pets. Some canine diseases can spread to humans as well, thus, it’s vital for the safety and well-being of both dogs and their owners to have the pets vaccinated on time.

Since vaccines have now become safer and more advanced and can be customised to suit the size, age, breed, health condition, lifestyle, environment and travel habits of each dog. Some vets believe that they will be effective for a longer period than the customary one year and thus can be tailored to suit the specific needs of each dog. Since every dog is different, they believe that immunisation programmes should be determined for each individual dog based on the needs and risk factors facing that particular animal.

However, since the risk for various diseases differ from dog to dog as well as from place to place (some areas may be more susceptible to certain diseases than others), it’s important that this matter is discussed with the vet.

A puppy would need to get all vaccinations on schedule as they are more vulnerable to diseases at that stage. However, after the first year, the vet can decide whether the core vaccines should be administered once a year or once every three years for each dog. A dog coming into frequent contact with other dogs may need to get some of the non-core vaccines as well.

Anybody looking for healthy puppies for sale in Dubai would do well to visit Europets, the leading pet store in the UAE. With over 100 breeds of dogs for sale in Dubai, the company will ensure that you get the dog of your choice.